5 Things You Can Do Now To Ensure You are Ready To Invest in Philadelphia Real Estate in 2021

5 Things You Can Do Now To Ensure You are Ready To Invest in Philadelphia Real Estate in 2021

Ready to become a landlord? As the end of 2020 nears, many forces are converging which are likely to present a wide range of real estate investment opportunities. By leveraging your investment dollars now, you’ll be ready to jump on great deals as they hit the market, the early bird gets the worm, this will mean having your financing lined up in advance. Taking steps ahead of time to have your financing in place can allow you to scoop up the best deals quickly and confidently. Here are 5 things you can do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021.

Get Your Finances in Order

Saving money on interest rates by having your finances in order is the first thing you can do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021. Pay down your debt in order to improve your credit score and more easily qualify for loans. Timely payments over the long term on your monthly bills help to increase your credit rating as well. As wise investors move forward into the new year, they also understand it’s important to have an economic disaster backup strategy as well, to protect their investments over the long term.


Leverage results from borrowed funds expanding your ability to acquire properties. This allows buyers with limited resources to gain returns on the investment by earning rental income on those properties over the long term. Accessing additional funds through leveraging your financing is another move you can make now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021. There are many options available, the easiest being your own, most mortgage loans only require 20 percent down. Some mortgage programs may allow for even less of your own money being put into the investment upfront. 


Working with an experienced partner is a wise thing you can do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021. Most especially if you are new to the investment game or need an additional funding source. Partnering with sellers who are willing to finance the home for you is another way to purchase a property, the amount they require for a down can vary, all the way down to nothing. Just be certain that with any partnership that both parties are in full agreement on the terms and that everything is clearly outlined before entering into the arrangement.  You will also want to be certain to run financial and background checks. It’s important too, to do careful research on those you do business with, especially in a partnership. If you’re depending on their experience for your future, ask for references that verify the experience they claim to have.

Know Your Market

By taking the time to understand your own vision of how involved you will want to be in the day to day workings of real estate investments, you will be able to focus on properties that are more suited to your goals and skills. Do you plan to find fixer-uppers, doing the rehab work yourself? Would you rather be less involved and have your properties managed while you enjoy your passive income? Perhaps you fall somewhere in the middle of this, by exploring all of the types of real estate investments, you’ll find your niche. By focusing on one area of investing, you can become extremely familiar with the market and know that you’re getting a fair price. Spend time driving around the area and studying, keeping on top of the inventory is key to identifying great new deals quickly. Becoming an expert on your target market is a wise thing to do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021.


Planning ahead for all contingencies is one of the things you can do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021. Never has it been of more importance to have a long term plan and overview of your investment strategy, as well as a plan to protect your assets from vacancies, mortgage payments, and any possible future period of severe economic downfall, along with the outlays of purchasing, rehabilitating and maintaining rental properties. By being prepared you can avoid the risks involved in leveraging your investments.

Call Philly Off-Market Deals today to learn more about things you can do now to ensure you are ready to invest in Philadelphia real estate in 2021. We’re here to listen to your individual circumstances, helping you meet your short and long term goals. We can help you put together a personalized plan, guiding you every step of the way. At Philly Off-Market Deals we’re experts at helping you with the best investment opportunities. To learn more about us and what we can do for you, send us a message or give us a call today at (215) 422-3288!

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